Saturday, November 29, 2008

Strikes Off But ...... & Special Topic

Strikes off but yet to telecast new episodes. May be we have to wait another week for that.

Special Topic:

What Do You Think:

Who will be this season's SRGMP champ?

Who will be the next eliminated contestant?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mumbai under terrorist attack !!

Our heartfelt prayers go to people who died in a cowardly terrorist attack in Mumbai tonight.

We pray God that he should show correct path to strayed people.

God grant us peace !!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


The on going strike of TV crew has been called off effective Tuesday .
Production activity has resumed and regular telecast of episodes will resume once producers are ready with some episodes.


Saturday, November 22, 2008


What do you think about Asma's singing quality & performances and still deserves to stay in the contest or not?

Friday, November 21, 2008


Workers wage MoU scrapped, strike continues

MUMBAI: It has been a day of yo-yoing between the various TV worker associations and the Federation of Western Indian Cine Employees Association (FWICE), which is their parent body on the wage agreement that the latter signed on their behalf with the producers bodies yesterday. All of the crafts voiced their grievances, saying they were not happy with the settlement through the day by raising a protest outside the FWICE offices.

Giving into the pressure, the FWICE said it would not honour the memorandum of understanding it signed with the producers bodies yesterday. "We are scrapping the MoU signed by us yesterday," said FWICE secretary Dinesh Chaturvedi, addressing the press a short while ago. "We are doing this seeing the reaction of the workers towards it."

Additionally, indications are that the standoff could spill over and hit the film sector too, with production executives there

too asking for wage revisions.

Stay tuned for further developments

This is not an old article, it's from 20 November 5:30 pm


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Zee SaReGaMaPa Challenge 2009 Episode 40, November 15th, 2008

Visitor Map

Online Voting Link:

Video's Of SRGMP Challenge 2009:

All television works gone for a huge strike (Some kinda trouble between the workers & the producers). We will update all the videos as soon as possible.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Zee SaReGaMaPa Challenge 2009 Episode 39, November 14th, 2008

Visitor Map

Eliminated Contestant: No Elimination

Online Voting Link:

Video's Of SRGMP Challenge 2009:

All television works gone for a huge strike (Some kinda trouble between the workers & the producers). We will update all the videos as soon as possible.


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