Special Guest: Amir Khan
Online Voting Link: http://saregamapa.guruji.com/votetingmem.php
Video's Of SRGMP Challenge 2009:
Click here to watch online - Pt1 Click here to watch online - Pt7
Click here to watch online - Pt8
Video's Of Indian Idol 4: Episode - 18
Part: 1 - (Zshare)
Part: 2 - (Zshare)
Part: 3 - (Zshare)
Part: 4 - (Zshare)
Here is the Royal Investigation Report (Written Update) on Today's (06.12.08) Episode:
Special Guest: Amir Khan
1. Soumen (Jai Ho Gharana)
Song: Chaand Sifarish
Singers: Kailash & Shaan
Judges Comments:
All Judges: Super Hit
My Comments & Deserving Marks:
To me it was not a very good performance by Soumen. He didn't do proper justice by singing this wonderful song. He could do much better but failed. I am still missing Toshi's (SVOI 1) rendition.
To Me: Hit
2. Pratibha (Lakshya Gharana)
Song: Radha Kaisey Na Jaley
Singer: Asha Bhosle
Judges Comments:
All Judges: Super Hit
My Comments & Deserving Marks:
Today was certainly not her day. The performance which we always expect from her it was definitely not. It was a soulless performance. Didn't touch me at all. It seems that she wanted to end the song as soon as possible which Shankar also admitted the same.
To Me: Hit (can't remember I ever gave her this mark or not)
3. Vaishali (Rock Gharana)
Song: Yaayire....Rangeelare
Singers: Asha Bhosle & Aditya Narayan
Judges Comments:
Amir: You sang very well. Beautiful
All Judges: History
My Comments & Deserving Marks:
Another wonderful performance by her on a row. It was a rocking performance.
To Me: Universal
4. Yashita (Dhoom Gharana)
Song: Yaaro Sunlo Jara
Singer: Udit Narayan & Chitra
Judges Comments:
Amir: Very Good.
All Judges: Super Hit ?!?!?!?!?!
My Comments & Deserving Marks:
No doubt the performance was wonderful. She sang extremely well. Didn't get the point why the judges gave her only Super Hit.
To Me: A deserving History
5. Zaheer (Rock Gharana)
Song: Oh Mitwa Oh Mitwa
Singer: Udit Narayan, Alka & .......
Judges Comments:
Amir: You sang very well.
All Judges: Super Hit
My Comments & Deserving Marks:
It was not an excellent performance but a very good indeed. The only reason judges gave him Super Hit because he lost Sur in the beginning.
To Me: Super Hit
6. Debojeet (Dhoom Gharana)
Song: Maa
Singer: Shankar Mahadevan
Judges Comments:
All Judges: History ?!?!?!?!?!?!
My Comments & Deserving Marks:
Some how I liked Voodoo King's, Dabba's this performance. He was very good but not an excellent one the way all the judges reacted. Another over & over hyping as usual.
To Me: Super Hit
7. Asma (Rock Gharana)
Song: Poocho Jara Poocho
Judges Comments:
Amir: Well Done
Aadesh: Super Hit
Shankar: Hit
Pritam: Hit
My Comments & Deserving Marks:
A very average performance by her. Completely agree with Pritam that, the energy was completely missing.
To Me: Hit
At the end, on Asma's special request Amir went to the stage and sang with her. Then all the judges requested him to play drums and performed Papa Kehte Hein.
please stop calling debo a "Voodoo King".if u do not like his performance u have full right to criticize, but please do not make personal remarks.This applies to other contestants also.i am not a big debo fan, sometime i like his performance.He is not over hyping himself.For your kind information let me tell you he is not a "normal" person like u and me.He does stage shows in kolkata for his living.channel is playing all the dirty games by over hyping DEBO just beacause of TRP.As an old viewer of reality shows u must have realize these things now.Yashita no doubt is an excellent singer.But while writing a review u r supposed to be "unbiased" and i am very sad to say u were never.And you proved it today by saying debojeet's performance was not the best but the truth is very opposite .please be little pragmatic and try to respect others emotion while writing any such personal remark.
Viveik da,
I tend to agree with you.
I am also guilty of calling him a voodoo king just once. But it does not absolve me of having made the indecrition.
I stand corrected.
Hemant Dada
I promise I will not gonna call him VooDoo King from now in our blog. Because there's nothing to say where truth buries alive. I always said, Yashita & Pratibha are equally best. Just for the consistency & versatility Yashita is perhaps a point above than Pratibha. Please search at my review where I marked Vaishali as Universal and Yashita History, now don't you think this behavior is not certainly of a biased person!!!
Before telling this dirty word to anyone please sort out the whole thing properly that it suits for that person or not.
At the review I also mentioned "I Somehow liked Debo's performance. Mark my word, this is such a song if anyone sings it will sound excellent (Because filled of emotions in the song). BTW, I will not gonna call him in that name again here because I never wanted and wants to hurt anyone. If I did it to anyone please accept my apology.
I will like to rate yesterday's performances as follows:-
Debojeet - Excellent, mindblowing, Superb
Vaishali - Excellent
Pratibha - Very good
Zaheer - Very good
Yashita - So So
Asma - Less said the better
After watching Debo's performance yesterday, I sincerely feel he should win this competition.
Personal remarks should not be made against him as he is not fully normal, yet he has overcome his handicap and emerged such a good singer.
I was surprised to kow he was a autistic child.
Debo, you rock man, my good wishes are with you.
One thing I wanna say that keeping Asma in the competition is a big joke. Aasma is no where even near to all other participants. Now where does she stand in front of Mitika, Shashi or Sunvinder.
Now if a talented singer like Vaishali gets eliminated in pace of asma will it be fair towards Vaishali, it would be big injustice.
If the channel indeed wants to retain her she can become a co-host with Aditya, that is a better option. But keeping her in the competition is very unfair towards other talented singers.
In that sense i would say saregama's standard has gone down.
Half way through, the producers of SAREGAMA.....PA felt the need of turning this programme into a comedy thingy. So they played upon Asma's lack of Hindi knowledge and created the present programme.
Did you not see AV's of her film and other things?
But now her jokes bring %$#@&* from peoples mouths . I , on my part am sick of her dumb jokes which seem to me like Blonde jokes of USA.
@Jatin and hemant da
Both of you are right, saregama has turned into a comedy show with Aasma who is extremely stupid and almost a torture to wathc and hear. God, when will this girl get eliminated? Thse channels are duping public by keeping non-singers like aasma who have no sense of music at all. I am sure she never gets any votes, it is just for TRPS she is kept!
What was wrong with mitika/sahshi/arshad? they were non-cintroversial and did not create any fuss. and they cud sing well. obviously does not matter to saregama.
Thye should chnage the name of the show to sareDRAMApa
good one.....SaReDRAMAPa
Hemant Bhai/Neel,
I dont think even aamir Khan was too impressed by Asma's tactics.
Asma was addressing him as Tu and he was addressing her as aap.
Asma crossed her limits when she asked Priety Zinta to play her mother.
Saregama guys used to do such drama in their kidz show as well.There was that small boy Tanmay who used to advertise his products. He was also a non-singer but still made it to the top 3 just because of his foolish antics.
Then there was a small girl Vaishali, she also used to do such funny antics, so whatever we are witnessing with Asma is not new. Saregama producers repeat their antics again and again.
@Jatin Bhai,
Everything is scripted only to raise TRP's. Samajh Ne Ke kaushish ki jiye na!
Saredramapa, excellent name. Fantastic, Mind Blowing, Outstanding, History.
Antar da,
Please accept my best wishes for Eid.
Eid Mubaarak.
Eid mubarak and enjoy yourself:) even we hav a holiday today so I amt home:)
Indian idol 4 judt lost a very good singer anaya mishra and voice of india lost ritisha padmanabh. I don't understand why good singers don't get recognition??? especially both the girls were beautiful and had nice voices and were complete packages...but Indian junta did not do them jutic. same with Mitika in saregama. Even mitika was eliminated at 14'th place and anaya was also. both these girls should have eben in top 5 at least.
Whom do you think will win VOI...? I hope not ravi...at any rat. Out of the 3, I would like finale between vipul and malhar,a nd Vipul should win.
My favourite Ritisha was eliminated. I dont want Ravi to win. So that leaves Vipul as a strong contender.
But generally it has been seen a contestant who is judges favourite loses in the end. Harshit lost, Anwesha lost, Abaas lost and now Vipul is the favourite of the judges, so in that way judges overwhelming support might prove unlucky for him.
We might see a very undeserving Ravi winning in the end. His support base from Rajasthan is also quite solid. Ravi is basically from Rajasthan though he lives in Delhi.
I am also very shocked on Ananya's elimination. Mohit should be in that place instead of her. Now tell me frankly, if you have an option to choose one among the following whom you will gonna choose:
1. Prasenjit
2. Bhabya
3. Torsha
4. Priyanka
5. Shini
To me, the following contestants of II4 should eliminate one after another:
1. Mohit
2. Tulika
3. Remo
What you say? Same for Hemant Da, Jatin & others.
Antar da,
In II4, Prasanjit,Boy from Calcutta, Torsha and Male Meena Kumari , Shini and Bhavya are worth hearing.
Final three should be Male Meena kumari, Shini and Prasanjeet.
@antara nd hemnat da
My favourites in indian idol 4 are-
1.rajdeep- he is the ebst singer
These are all goo and so is Bhnau,but he is abit overhyped. I don't like kapil,kuldeep,mohit and remo at all.
In VOI i expect fianle to be ebwteen vipul and ravi, and ravi will win as he has stronger fan base. But I prefer vipul to win,but he has not got too many votes. In saregaam,either partibha or debo
Each contestants of SRGMP 2009 gonna perform with one contestants from SRGMP 2007.
Raja & Asma
Sumedha & Soumen
Harpreet & Pratibha
Aneek & Yashita
Mauli & Debo
Debujeet Saha & Vaishali
Eliminated Contestant: Zaheer
Source: http://www.india-forums.com/
WHAT?! zaheer eliminated and aasma still at large. What apathetic show.
Anyway, I guess debojit saha is from challenge 2005. They should have got Himani,nihira and hemu from that season as well. Hemachandraa nd pratibha would be amazing.
Don't like the idea of raja and assma at all. he would hate her besurapan.
Legendary Ghazal singer Jagjit Singh is incensed by the Mumbai terror attacks and thinks that all Pakistani artists should be banned from Bollywood.
He said, "Bollywood should ban them. That's all. It is as simple as washing your hands after using the toilet. India should ban or cut all relationships with Pakistan as soon as possible. Some Pakistanis come with weapons comes to India, others, to earn money and fame. They come to earn money and don't even pay taxes in our country. What's the point of giving them a platform here?"
The Ghazal singer also says that Adnan Sami shouldn’t have become a singer and that he should be sent back to his country. He says, “Woh (Sami) toh galti se singer ban gaya. He had come here to become an actor and by mistake he became a singer. He can't sing. People like him should be sent back to Pakistan to work there because they make money in India and send it to Pakistan.”
I really wish the govenment of India reads this post.
Just read this:
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